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G I U L I E T  F R A N Ç O I S M A R I E

Giuliet françoismarie was born in 1990 in Apulia, Italy. Daughter of Francesco and Maria, two artisans who handed down the passion for fashion since her childhood. She graduated with honors in Fashion Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome. During her academic career in the capital she has had the opportunity to relate to the art world by presenting various conceptual projects.
In 2017 she made debut at the AltaRoma fashion show with the Metempsychosis project, defining her clothes as "soul wraps". Through the theme of metempsychosis, Giuliet françoismarie expresses the concept of spirituality in fashion and, above all, of how the soul dresses and undresses of ephemeral clothes in an infinite cycle of lives.
Collaborating with emerging fashion brands she has perfected the stylistic techniques and at the same time continues her studies and experiments. The contact with nature and the holistic disciplines stimulate her towards a new form of artistic research, specializing in bio-design.
She starts working with vegetable pigmentation on silks and designing new "soul wraps". Giuliet françoismarie's energy clothes become the beginning of a New Age fashion that sees man reconnecting with nature.

“We need to cultivate awareness relentlessly, to plant beneficial and regenerating seeds within ourselves. Then, when we need them, they will take care of us. "

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