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Giuliet françoismarie founded her brand for research of new biological materials and vegetable pigmentation with experimental plants. The alchemical process between natural elements makes these fibers energetically powerful, creating impalpable membranes that envolep the wearer with pleasure and well-being. The natural dyeing is a noble art, important for many countries that still carry on their artisan tradition with dedication and cultural value. Today is has been rediscovered ad one of the important principles of the Slow-Fashion movement.

Many of experimental plants were grown in studio with love and respect for the environment. The fascinating beauty of natural dyes is dedicate rendering of pastel shades. The color fastness depends on the type of fiber and the density of the pigmentation. One of the great riches of these processes consists in the uniqueness of the color and the impossibility of reproducing it, favoring the exclusivity of the garment.

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